Lose Weight Naturally & Effectively
I’d like to introduce you to a program I have just researched and become certified in that is truly ‘one of a kind’. I’m referring to SHAPE ReClaimed. It is for those who have two goals in mind, health and weight. This is a total health restoration program that gives you the basis for a lifestyle modification. It is an anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, hormone balancing, and detoxification protocol with the extra benefit of shedding toxic weight. If you have been dealing with these issues without success, I suggest you pay attention!
Before you begin your SHAPE ReClaimed program, a urine sample is taken and analyzed to determine if any changes need to implemented in the recommended foods of the program and how often you will need to repeat the urinalysis.
The SHAPE ReClaimed program consists of three phases.
Phase I (30 days): Thirty days of taking specific homeopathic drops three times a day and paying close attention to what you are consuming. That means you are given an expansive list of those recommended foods that gives your body energy for the proper functioning of your cells. During this time you do not consume inflammatory foods such as grains, sugar and most dairy products. You will choose protein, vegetables and fruit along with a couple dairy choices. Once you reach your desired weight, which may take longer than thirty days, you will proceed to Phase II.
Phase II (approximately 21 days): Stop taking the drops and begin adding in selective foods, one at a time, to see if your body has an inflammatory response, such as gas and bloating, rash, headache, etc. If that occurs, you’ll know that food should be avoided. A urine sample is analyzed to be sure you’re on track.
Phase III: By this time you will have become in tune with your body and the food needed to optimally maintain your health. At this point you’ll decide how to stay healthy and at your desired weight for life!
This affordable program may decrease RX dependency.
If you have questions and/or I have peaked your interest, call today to set an appointment or email me at drsandra@ihdwellnes.com.
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