In the late 1940’s, a German medical doctor and engineer, Dr. Reinhard Voll, developed a testing method now known as EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll or EDS, Electro-Dermal Screening).
This method is widely used throughout Europe and is growing in acceptance by those who practice Holistic and Bio-Energetic techniques in the United States. EAV offers a quick, non-invasive screening method for determining health imbalances.
Here’s how it works:
Not everyone is familiar with the various organs and systems in the body and their connections to the meridians (energy/electrical pathways) which have control measurement points located in the hands and feet. These points are tested using an EAV device known as the Avatar. The Avatar shows, byway of an integrated computer program, which points are in balance and which points are out of balance. Once all points are measured, remedies can be tested to determine which ones will bring that organ or system back into alignment.
The healing process begins when the proper remedies are aligned with the patient and a unique protocol is implemented. A patient dedicated to creating total balance within their own body stays on their unique protocol until a re-test indicates a completed cycle or a new path in healing.
If EAV testing and subsequent healing is something you feel would be a positive alternative or addition to your treatment program(s), or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.